The second tour: Now onto the Moors!

12 juni 2023 - Husthwaite, Verenigd Koninkrijk

As Miss Sophy used to say: “Same procedure as every day…” Breakfast at 8:30 again with a lot of eggs… and then ‘on the road again’.

But Klaas Jan replaced all of Brian’s spark plugs first so now the tricolore Giulia really runs like the fire brigade again……

de 'Mouseman' meubelmakerijde 'Mouse'...!In Kilburn

We first stopped at the famous ‘Mouseman’ wooden furniture shop in the nearby village of Kilburn and then straight and high up the hill to the Kilburn White Horse. This was the first 25% climb test for the Bella’s but really no problem at all. They went straight up like ‘we stole it’ as Peter reminded us…..

de Kilburn White Horse

On top of Sutton Bank we walked to the viewing point to overlook the - little bit hazy - valley towards the Dales.

Bovenop Blakey RidgeRievaulx Abbey.....

Then on through the beautiful village of Helmsley to turn off at a very steep descent to Rievaulx Abbey - another heap of stones once being an impressive Abbey - Being real Dutchmen we did not want to pay the full fare for only a short visit and parking so we decided to shoot some photographs alongside the road and go on back up again along the steep climb to the main road.

Op Clay BankUitzicht vanaf Clay Bank

After a beautiful drive along a very diverse landscape with both real drivers roads with fast corners as well as narrow winding backroads along rolling green meadows, tiny old villages and high moorland we made a short stop at the viewing point at Clay Bank. From there we even had to zigzag around the sheep behaving like the kings of the road, we finally turned up onto a very steep road again up to Danby Beacon.

Overstekend wild....Zig-zag tussen de schapen door.....

This really looked like the highest point of the barren Moors where we had a fantastic panorama all around.

On top of Danby BeaconBoven op Danby BeaconDanby BeaconGenieten van het uitzicht vanaf Danby BeaconBrian weer terug bij Danby Beacon....Klaas Jan zet de koers uit....

Then on again along a very old and narrow bridge through the ford next to it. But as the season was extremely dry now, there was no water at all, which was a bit of a pity, so we missed the splash….

door een 'droge' ford....
Further on Regina who was in the leading Alfa had to get out of the car twice to open the gate which blocked the road to keep the sheep in and after all 3 of us had passed, close it again.

Please shut the gate......
For an impression of driving the typical roads also watch the video enclosed.

Before arriving at our lunch stop in the Lion Inn on Blakey Ridge we first had to overcome a very, very steep climb out of the valley up to the ridge. Fiercely roaring in second gear with 3000 revs we all made it quite easily. But when we came on top, looking back, we saw the road sign indicating an incredible 33% !! What a mighty cars, our beloved Bella’s!!

33%........We have made it!

The Lion Inn turned out to be a very cosy traditional pub, once being a warm safehouse in a very barren countryside where travellers of all kind could find a well deserved rest and meal. So also for us it was a good opportunity to fit in our daily routine of ‘sleep & eat & drive & drink & eat & drive & drink & eat & drink & drink & sleep again…..’

Bij de Lion Inn on Blakey RidgeLekker gegeten in de Lion InnDe ladies in de 'opkamer' van de Lion Innde Lion Inn on Blakey Ridge....

Brian told us there that when he was young he even slept there in the honeymoon suite together with his……brother!

So after we finished our well dressed sandwich lunch (& beer) we made a short stop at Hutton-le-Hole where Brian at the age of 16 once cooled his weary hiking feet in the small river…

Before finally reaching the Plum again at around 16:00 we first had a short walk around the very impressive remnants of the nearby Byland Abbey.

Byland AbbeyByland AbbeyByland Abbey

King Richard III

But now we are all completely exhausted and relaxing now waiting for our dinner in the nearby restaurant in Coxwold…..


4 Reacties

  1. Susan Gill:
    12 juni 2023
    Wow you've really packed a lot into your second day tour! Great so see the cars coping so well with the terrain. Lovely photographs!
  2. Netty:
    13 juni 2023
    Wat hebben jullie een fijne vakantie ik geniet ervan😊😊
  3. MARTY:
    13 juni 2023
    love seeing the photos and video - the description is wonderful to read, great writing.
  4. Sjorzel:
    15 juni 2023
    Leuk verhaal weer, genieten